Misha Donohoe

  • Born 1983, Australia. Lives and works between Yukon, Canada, and Australia.

    Misha Donohoe creates beautiful, intricate and scientifically observed works in watercolour and ink.

    Donohoe trained as an evolution biologist and brings a rigorous and nuanced understanding of the history and philosophy of science to her practice. Her careful choice of subject, media and illustrative style imbues each series with historical references and rich commentary.

    Donohoe’s lifelong curiosity with natural systems and visual explorations into elastic perception belies this academic rigour.

    Her works transport audiences from the minute reality of an insect pollinator to the timeless expanse of mountain formations and invite contemplation of overlapping worlds and dimensions.

    By layering this experience with historical and contemporary perspectives, Donohoe provides a unique commentary on the internal forces that shape our complex relationships with nature.

    Donohoe moved to Yukon in 2013 to pursue her art. Each work explores and chronicles this journey.

  • Misha Donohoe creates intricate and scientifically observed works in watercolour, ink, and prints. From the minute reality of an insect pollinator to the timeless expanse of mountain formations, Donohoe invites audiences to navigate between overlapping worlds.

    Donohoe was born in Australia in 1983. She now lives in Yukon, Canada.

  • Misha Donohoe creates intricate and scientifically observed works in watercolour. She trained as an evolution biologist and now paints full-time between Yukon, Canada, and Australia.